Air Tanks, Whats the difference?

5 Gallon Steel Tanks
These are our standard tanks. Steel welded tanks comes powder coated gloss Black. Nothing wrong with them but they do require a lot more maintenance. We do supply water traps when you buy a complete air ride suspension kit but to keep the condensation to minimum but we do recommend draining these tanks once a month thru the 1/4" drain port on the bottom We offer these tanks in 7 port and 9 ports depending on the type of system you buy.

8 gallon Steel Tank
Built with the same quality and finish as the 5 gallon tank. Use this tank with the 1/2" Fast Bag kits for added air volume needed with these kits. Only available in 9 port configurations.

Spun Aluminum Seamless 5 gallon Tanks
upgrade your air ride suspension or air management kit to our seamless aluminum tank. Available in 7 port or 9 port. Aluminum tanks offer adjustable mounting straps. Because they are aluminum you are going to get corrosion resistance material, this is important for long lasting kit. Keeping debri and rust out of your system is key to a reliable air ride kit. Seamless is just that no welds or seams to develop leaks thru out the life of your air ride suspension kit. Same as the steel tanks the aluminum tanks have 1/4" drain ports on the bottom to keep the water out of tank and out of you valves. Available in black powder coat or Raw (basic polish).

Endo-VT by Accuair
Accuair Endo-VT is the ultimate air tank. 5 gallon All Aluminum construction with integrated 4-corner valves. The valves have speed control both up and down separately. This allows you to fine tune your vehicle to lift and drop at the same rate. Meaning if you have a preset system all 4 corners will raise at the same speed or if you use the all down option the vehicle will drop evenly. Use the Accuair Endo-VT if you are looking for the cleanest and easiest installtion of your air management kit